
What Are Salsa & Bachata Classes Like For Beginners? bachata bachata classes near me bachata hampton roads bachata norfolk dance class latin dancing latin dancing near me latin dancing norfolk latin dancing virginia beach learn to dance bachata learn to dance salsa salsa salsa classes near me salsa hampton roads salsa near me salsa norfolk salsa virginia beach Nov 13, 2021

Our first dance class! We remember like it was yesterday! It's difficult to know what to expect the first (or few) times. It's like telling a child the stove is hot when they have never felt or understood heat and danger. But don't worry, you won't have to touch the stove to know it's hot. We will g...

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How To Do Turns In Bachata - Tip #3 bachata Mar 30, 2021


You made it! You know about Turning On A Straight Line. You understand the how and why to Keep Your Steps Small. Now for the last main tip... Use Your Head! 

No we are not say you are not smart or lack intelligence but literally you need to use your head properly when doing turns in Bachata. I...

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How To Do Turns In Bachata - Tip #2 bachata Mar 23, 2021

Hi again! We hope you enjoyed our first tip in dancing Bachata turns, Turning On A Straight Line! Just click the title to go back to it if you haven't read it already. Now on to tip #2... Small Steps!

We both use to dance with such wide and big steps and it took us a while to learn to make them s...

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How To Do Turns In Bachata - Tip #1 bachata Feb 23, 2021

Hi there! Let's get right to it!

The first thing to know about turns in Bachata is that in the Dominican Republic, the home of Bachata, there are very few turns when dancing. How did turns start and why do them? 

As with everything, there is evolution and fusion. Many dancers outside of the DR, ...

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What Do I Wear Latin Dancing? attire bachata salsa Dec 27, 2020


This is a common and great question that comes up when going out Latin dancing the first time! We remember our first time so we are here to give you a few tips to help you out and save you some of the embarrassment we felt! While there probably could be a book written on this topic (maybe there i...

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What is Dancing On2? by Norberto “Betto” Herrera (Mambo Dinamico) Dec 16, 2020

There are many opinions when it comes to the arts, including dance. Here is a nice explanation from a well-respected musician and dancer. We hope you enjoy it and thank you for allowing us to share it Betto!

What is Dancing On2?

Norberto ‘Betto’ Herrera·Sunday, August 5, 2018

Dancing Salsa On2 or...

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Can I REALLY Learn to Dance Online? bachata salsa Nov 27, 2020

YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and numerous online courses are all available to learn online! But do the really work is the question! Technology continues to push, dictate and change how we live our lives. When I first started learning to dance Bachata, Salsa (Mambo) I poured over countless YouTube vide...

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